Low Carb Vs. Keto

For Weight Maintenance


Since both the low carb lifestyle and keto lifestyle limit carbs, you may wonder what sets these two lifestyles apart?  



Low Carb Lifestyle

Restricts excess carbs and is higher in protein than the typical Western diet and includes a balance of high and low-fat foods. Carbs are generally limited to 50-150 net grams per day.  


  • Eliminates high-processed foods

  • Can be sustained as a long-term lifestyle

  • Easier to follow and less restrictive than keto

  • Less extreme adaptation to the lifestyle than keto

  • Wide variety of foods allowed


  • You may experience constipation (Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg supplements = problem solved)

  • Limits some fruits and vegetables (but plenty to choose from)

Keto Lifestyle

Involves high-fat and high protein foods. Carbs are generally limited to fewer than 50 net grams and most often 20-30 net grams per day. 


  • May reduce appetite

  • Therapeutic benefits such as managing epilepsy

  • May improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels


  • Lower fiber intake

  • Long-term data is limited

  • Limits a wide variety of foods and plant-based ingredients, especially fruits

  • More restrictive than low carb and challenging to stick to for long period


While I am not a medical professional, I am passionate about nutrition and am consistently researching and pouring over information from trusted resources regarding lifestyle and nutritional diet.  

While the keto lifestyle seems to have gained popularity in recent years, I have some strong concerns regarding the keto diet due to the lack of long-term data.   I see several food blogs full of unhealthy fat recipes and companies capitalizing on new products for the keto lifestyle.  I choose to live the low carb lifestyle instead of keto as it allows a wider variety of foods and an even wider inclusion of plant-based ingredients that are higher in fiber, the latter being a very important part of good health.  Whether making the recipes from Janeva’s Kitchen website (or cookbook) for the low carb or keto lifestyle, weekly meals balancing high/low fats should be considered. 

There are health benefits to both low carb and keto diets, but the bottom line is always being sure to consult a physician or medical professional before changing to or adopting a new diet and lifestyle.


Source: Healthline Nutrition

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